Wednesday 1 February 2012

Film Review - Chronicle

2012 is the year of the superhero. With Ghost Rider, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man all hitting the big screen this year a dark horse is emerging out of nowhere, Josh Trank's Chronicle. And without doubt it is currently the year's most impressive film by a long stretch.

There are no extraordinary individuals involved in Chronicle, we are in the presence of everyday people who find themselves in a world that they could never have imagined. Matt (Alex Russell), his loner cousin Andrew (Dane DeHaan), who incidentally has started to document everything in his life via video camera, and popular school friend Steve (Michael B Jordan) are at a party one night when they discover a crater in some woods. Heading into the the darkness they discover something glowing under the surface. Something that gives them amazing abilities, specifically telekinesis, the ability to fly and invulnerability.

At first the guys have some hilarious fun with their new-found powers, mocking locals by moving their cars, scaring children with floating teddy bears and removing chewing gum from inside a guy's mouth. But when Andrew goes a little too far and causes a car accident the three realise that their powers are getting stronger by the day and they must curb their use in fear of the bad things they could cause.

Matt and Steve are in full agreement but troubled Andrew, plagued by his abusive drunk father and his dying mother, feels a new calling in life and proceeds to grow in stature, with his powers becoming stronger than either of the other guys. With his abilities increasing, Andrew begins to let the power go to his head and soon he becomes more of a threat than anyone could ever imagine.

For those who are expecting 'just another found-footage movie' there is no doubt you will be pleasantly surprised. Chronicle is one of the freshest and most gripping sub-genre offerings you can get. Managing to maintain its level of realism from start to finish, the camera-work is to marvel at and in terms of characters you have three individuals who much of the audience can relate to. From popular Steve, to relative loner Andrew, to his regular nice guy cousin Matt, we have a decent mix of three different characters each with their own ways of coping with the powers bestowed upon them.

In addition to some interesting characters it cannot go without saying that the camera-work works to perfection. Whether it be the camera simply in place on its tripod, the superb flight scenes or the excellent coverage of the action via helicopter footage, each scene flows into the next fluidly and continues to reach out as an almost true-to-life story. Admittedly at times it is questionable as to why the cameras would be used in different situations but ultimately this becomes a thought in the back of the mind in favour of the events that unfold. 

Surprisingly Chronicle probably wouldn't be half as entertaining if it wasn't filmed in the way it is and with that put into use we are delivered one the year's most refreshing and exciting films so far. Maintaining it realistic edge and the use of its three power-embracing characters it could well be the joker in the pack of more established superheroes set to step up to the plate this year. 

Film Rating: 5 F's out of 5

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